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Maxforce FC Ant Bait Stations contain a patented bait formulation that kills odorous house ants, pharaoh ant and other common household ants. When properly used, the bait will attract foraging worker ants. The ants will feed on the bait and take some back to the nest, destroying the queen and the entire colony.

Maxforce FC Ant Bait Stations are more of a protein based bait. You should using these bait stations along with a gel bait which is mostly a source of sugar, since ants could be in the mood for either protein or sugar. Gels and stations provide different dietary needs for ants. The ants may eat the gel, or bait stations, or both. And their diet may change frequently between gels and the bait stations. It is better to provide them with both for an optimum kill.

Size 24 / BAG
Case Qty 4 / CASE
Manufacturer ENVU [view products, website]
EPA# 432-1256
Active Ingredient Fipronil
Label BAY80194501_maxforce_fc_ant_bait_stations_label_022623.pdf
SDS BAY80194501_maxforce_fc_ant_bait_stations_sds_022623.pdf
Chemical Classes Pyrazole
Target Pests Pharaoh Ants, Household Ants, Acrobat Ants, Argentine Ants, Crazy Ants, Odorous House Ants, Pavement Ants
Use Commercial & Residential Indoors & Outdoors: Homes, Office Buildings, Warehouses, Outdoor Perimeters, Lawns, Landscaping Ornamental Plants, Shrubs & Trees and others
Application Residential, Commercial, and Industrial. For normal infestation, use 3 stations per average size room. More for heavy infestations.
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Yield 24 child resistant stations.


* Effective control for up to 1 year

* Nonrepellent formula does not cause secondary colony formation

* No insecticide odor

* Child-resistant design

* Easy-to-use station design allows you to inspect each bait placement and monitor the amount of ant feeding

Easy To Use:

- Place Maxforce ant bait stations by ant trails and where ants have been seen.

- Three bait stations should control an average size room, or approximately one bait station per 100 square feet.

- Do not spray chemicals or disturb trails between ant nests and bait stations.

- Periodically, replace bait stations that are empty and relocate stations that show little or no ant activity.

Refer to the Product Label for a complete listing of insects controlled and approced useage methods.


* Effective control for up to 1 year

* Nonrepellent formula does not cause secondary colony formation

* No insecticide odor

* Child-resistant design

* Easy-to-use station design allows you to inspect each bait placement and monitor the amount of ant feeding

Easy To Use:

- Place Maxforce ant bait stations by ant trails and where ants have been seen.

- Three bait stations should control an average size room, or approximately one bait station per 100 square feet.

- Do not spray chemicals or disturb trails between ant nests and bait stations.

- Periodically, replace bait stations that are empty and relocate stations that show little or no ant activity.

Refer to the Product Label for a complete listing of insects controlled and approced useage methods.

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