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Liqua-Tox II is a liquid concentrate rodenticide and has outstanding rodent acceptance and control of Norway Rats, Roof Rats, and House Mice. Liqua-Tox II offers exceptional quality control when conditions are dry and there is little liquid available. It is also ideal to use in places such as grain elevators or food storage warehouses where competition from other food sources is high. Liqua-Tox II works because rats need water daily, and mice will drink liquids when they are accessible.

Using Liqua-Tox II is as simple as mixing one 1.68 fl oz envelope with 1 quart of water, and distributing the liquid bait in to bait stations or dispensers in areas where rats and mice will most likely find and consume the bait. Selection of treatment areas may include along walls, by gnawed openings, in corners or concealed places, in or beside burrows, between floors and walls, or where rodents have been seen.

Size 8 X 1.7 oz / CTN
Case Qty 4 / CASE
Manufacturer BELL LABS [view products, website]
EPA# 12455-61
Active Ingredient Sodium Salt Of Diphacinone
Label bellt3217_liqua-tox_label_06062019.pdf
SDS bellt3217_liqua-tox_sds_06062019.pdf
Chemical Classes Anticoagulant
Target Pests House Mice, Norway Rats, Roof Rats
Use Residential, commercial, or industrial buildings, indoors and outdoors.
Application To be used with the appropraite fount type station
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Coverage Area All bait placements must be inside or within 50 feet of buildings.
Yield Each pouch mixes with 1 qt. (32 oz.) of water. 32 pouches per box


For Indoor Use ONLY. This is for control of Norway rats, roof rats and house mice only inside of industrial, commercial, agricultural, and public buildings, and similar man-made structures. Do not place near or inside ventilation duct openings. Do not contaminate water, food, feedstuffs, food or feed handling equipment, or milk or meat handling equipment or surfaces that come into direct contact with food. When used in USDA-inspected facilities, this must be applied in tamper-resistant bait stations. Do not use in sewers.


Wear waterproof gloves when mixing Liqua-Tox II. Mix contents thoroughly.

CONTROLLING RATS: Provide a minimum of 1 pint (16 fluid ounces) of Liqua-Tox II diluted product in each dispenser (suitably-equipped bait station, chick fount, or other suitable device). If infested area is large, or if rat population appears to be high, use dispensers at several locations. Space dispensers and refill them as needed to ensure that bait is exposed in all infested areas where it can be used without putting nontarget organisms at risk.

CONTROLLING MICE: Provide 1/2-pint (8 fluid ounces) placements of LIQUA-TOX II diluted product in suitably-equipped bait stations, chick founts, or other appropriate vessels. Place dispensers at intervals of 8 - 12 feet in all infested areas where bait can be used without putting nontarget organisms at risk.

FOLLOW-UP: Replace contaminated or spoiled bait immediately. Wearing waterproof gloves, collect and dispose of all visible dead animals and leftover bait, as well as any bait that has become accessible to non-target animals. To discourage reinfestation, limit sources of rodent food, water and harborage as much as possible. If reinfestation does occur, repeat treatment. For a continuous infestation, set up permanent bait stations and replenish bait as needed.

Tips for using Liqua-Tox II safely and effectively:

* Wear waterproof gloves while mixing to avoid direct contact of the rodenticide with skin.

* Protect bait stations from rain and snow.

* Do not expose children, pets, or non-target animals to rodenticides. Apply out of reach of children, pets, and non-target animals, or use tamper-resistant bait stations.

* When using Liqua-Tox II or any other rodenticide, remove as much alternative food as possible.

* Provide a minimum of 1 pint in each bait dispenser for rats, and ½ pint in each dispenser for mice.

* Replace contaminated or spoiled bait immediately.

Refer to the Product Label for a complete listing of rodents controlled, proper mixing directions and approved application sites.


For Indoor Use ONLY. This is for control of Norway rats, roof rats and house mice only inside of industrial, commercial, agricultural, and public buildings, and similar man-made structures. Do not place near or inside ventilation duct openings. Do not contaminate water, food, feedstuffs, food or feed handling equipment, or milk or meat handling equipment or surfaces that come into direct contact with food. When used in USDA-inspected facilities, this must be applied in tamper-resistant bait stations. Do not use in sewers.


Wear waterproof gloves when mixing Liqua-Tox II. Mix contents thoroughly.

CONTROLLING RATS: Provide a minimum of 1 pint (16 fluid ounces) of Liqua-Tox II diluted product in each dispenser (suitably-equipped bait station, chick fount, or other suitable device). If infested area is large, or if rat population appears to be high, use dispensers at several locations. Space dispensers and refill them as needed to ensure that bait is exposed in all infested areas where it can be used without putting nontarget organisms at risk.

CONTROLLING MICE: Provide 1/2-pint (8 fluid ounces) placements of LIQUA-TOX II diluted product in suitably-equipped bait stations, chick founts, or other appropriate vessels. Place dispensers at intervals of 8 - 12 feet in all infested areas where bait can be used without putting nontarget organisms at risk.

FOLLOW-UP: Replace contaminated or spoiled bait immediately. Wearing waterproof gloves, collect and dispose of all visible dead animals and leftover bait, as well as any bait that has become accessible to non-target animals. To discourage reinfestation, limit sources of rodent food, water and harborage as much as possible. If reinfestation does occur, repeat treatment. For a continuous infestation, set up permanent bait stations and replenish bait as needed.

Tips for using Liqua-Tox II safely and effectively:

* Wear waterproof gloves while mixing to avoid direct contact of the rodenticide with skin.

* Protect bait stations from rain and snow.

* Do not expose children, pets, or non-target animals to rodenticides. Apply out of reach of children, pets, and non-target animals, or use tamper-resistant bait stations.

* When using Liqua-Tox II or any other rodenticide, remove as much alternative food as possible.

* Provide a minimum of 1 pint in each bait dispenser for rats, and ½ pint in each dispenser for mice.

* Replace contaminated or spoiled bait immediately.

Refer to the Product Label for a complete listing of rodents controlled, proper mixing directions and approved application sites.

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