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Drione Dust is a powerful silica-based desiccant dust with synergized natural pyrethrum. This product can be used to control pests in commercial and industrial areas, including within food areas as a crack-and-crevice treatment. It also is effective in controlling bedbugs when applied to the inner frame of upholstered furniture.

Drione Dust is a non-staining, odorless insecticide dust with pyrethrins that kills a wide variety of general household pests including bed bugs, ants, roaches, crickets, centipedes, spiders, beetles, ticks, fleas, mites, silverfish and more. Effective for up to 6 months if left undisturbed.

Size 7 # PAIL
Case Qty 4 / CASE
Manufacturer ENVU [view products, website]
EPA# 432-992
Active Ingredient Pyrethrins, Piperonyl Butoxide, Amorphous Silica Gel
Label BAY4191233_drione_dust_7_label_022823.pdf
SDS BAY4191233_drione_dust_7_sds_022823.pdf
Chemical Classes Botanical
Target Pests Ants, Bees, Bedbugs, Boxelder Bugs, Cadelles, Centipedes, Cheese Mites, Cigarette Beetles, Cockroaches, Spiders, Drywood Termites, Fleas, Beetles, Lice, Pillbugs, Scorpions, Ticks, Wasps
Use Commercial & Residential Indoors & Outdoors: Homes, Office Buildings, Warehouses, Outdoor Perimeters, Lawns, Landscaping Ornamental Plants, Shrubs & Trees and others * See label for complete list
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- Provides quick control

- Good flushing action for identifying problem areas or infestations

- Kills up to 6 months when left undisturbed

- Non-staining and relatively odorless

- Excellent penetration into voids

- For use in residences, institutions, food plants and granaries

- Controls numerous stored-product pests

Tips For Using Drione Dust:

- Within food areas, application of DRIONE® is limited to crack and crevice treatment only.

- Care should be taken to avoid depositing the product onto exposed surfaces or introducing the material into the air. Avoid contamination of food or food processing surfaces.

- For applications in non-food areas, apply a continuous visible film where insects hide: Underneath and behind stairs, refrigerators and appliances and on, around, and behind moldings, shelving, baseboards, pipe openings, cracks and crevices.

- For severe infestations, apply Drione behind cabinets and walls, in crawl spaces and attics.

Refer to the Product Label for a complete listing of insects controlled and application methods.


- Provides quick control

- Good flushing action for identifying problem areas or infestations

- Kills up to 6 months when left undisturbed

- Non-staining and relatively odorless

- Excellent penetration into voids

- For use in residences, institutions, food plants and granaries

- Controls numerous stored-product pests

Tips For Using Drione Dust:

- Within food areas, application of DRIONE® is limited to crack and crevice treatment only.

- Care should be taken to avoid depositing the product onto exposed surfaces or introducing the material into the air. Avoid contamination of food or food processing surfaces.

- For applications in non-food areas, apply a continuous visible film where insects hide: Underneath and behind stairs, refrigerators and appliances and on, around, and behind moldings, shelving, baseboards, pipe openings, cracks and crevices.

- For severe infestations, apply Drione behind cabinets and walls, in crawl spaces and attics.

Refer to the Product Label for a complete listing of insects controlled and application methods.

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