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Nisus DSV (Disinfectant,Sanitizer, Virucide) is an all-in-one solution with a powerful disinfectant that is highly effective against disease-causing bacteria. But it's also a sanitizer that can rid an area of germs and fungi that can cause sickness and mold. And it's a powerful virucide, capable of killing the viruses you've read about in todays headlines, as well as many others that you may not even be aware are stalking your home.

DSV kills germs; bacteria; fungi; viruses; eliminates mildew; disinfects hantavirus, avian flu, HIV, swine flu and more. DSV can be used anytime you want to create a clean, sterile environment. Use it in the aftermath of a flood to control contamination and disease-breeding conditions.,/p>

Use DSV whenever you want to protect the living conditions of a home by removing potentially dangerous organisms. One gallon of concentrate makes 64 gallons of finished solution.

Case Qty 4 / CASE
Manufacturer NISUS CORPORATION [view products, website]
EPA# 10324-80-64405
Active Ingredient Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride
Label nisdsvgal_dsv_label_08202019.pdf
SDS nisdsvgal_dsv_sds_08202019.pdf
Target Pests Drain Flies, Fruit Flies, Phorid Flies
Use Residential & Commercial Indoors & Outdoors: Refer to the Product Label for a complete listing
Application * See label for complete application instructions
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Yield 1 gallon of concentrate makes 64 gallons of finished solution.

Nisus DSV Features:

* Kills harmful germs, bacteria, fungi and viruses

* Prevents and eliminates mildew

* Can be used in flood aftermath to control contamination

* 1 gallon of concentrate yields 64 gallons of solution!

Nisus DSV Uses/Applications:

Use DSV to clean contaminated areas to prevent an outbreak of infectious disease. DSV may be used anywhere necessary to protect against dangerous organisms.

Used by pest control companies for: rat infested areas, sewage back-ups, flooded areas, dead rodent areas, bat droppings, dog and cat feces, and blood clean-up. Refer to label for a complete list of places of use.

To Sanitize and Deodorize: 2 oz / 5.5 gallons of water

To Disinfect in Institutions: 2 fl oz / 1 gallon of water

General Disinfection: 1¼ oz / 1 gallon of water

Refer to label for complete list of uses/applications.

Nisus DSV Features:

* Kills harmful germs, bacteria, fungi and viruses

* Prevents and eliminates mildew

* Can be used in flood aftermath to control contamination

* 1 gallon of concentrate yields 64 gallons of solution!

Nisus DSV Uses/Applications:

Use DSV to clean contaminated areas to prevent an outbreak of infectious disease. DSV may be used anywhere necessary to protect against dangerous organisms.

Used by pest control companies for: rat infested areas, sewage back-ups, flooded areas, dead rodent areas, bat droppings, dog and cat feces, and blood clean-up. Refer to label for a complete list of places of use.

To Sanitize and Deodorize: 2 oz / 5.5 gallons of water

To Disinfect in Institutions: 2 fl oz / 1 gallon of water

General Disinfection: 1¼ oz / 1 gallon of water

Refer to label for complete list of uses/applications.

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