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Viper RTU is the same quality product as Viper but it is packaged as a "ready to use" gallon size. Versatile ready-to-use formula with Country Fresh Scent for control of household pests indoors and outdoors. Also for use on dogs and livestock. Lasts up to 60 days.

Martin's® Viper RTU Insecticide Target Pests: For the effective control of: Cockroaches, waterbugs, palmetto bugs, scorpions, millipedes, sowbugs, pillbugs, ants, silverfish, firebrats, spiders, crickets, clover mites, cheese mites, granary weevils, rice weevils, confused flour beetles, rust red flour beetles, drugstore beetles, meal worms, grain mites, cadelles, and ticks. Labeled for interior / exterior use Labeled for non-commercial use only Caution label
Martin's® Viper RTU Insecticide Target Pests: For the effective control of: Cockroaches, waterbugs, palmetto bugs, scorpions, millipedes, sowbugs, pillbugs, ants, silverfish, firebrats, spiders, crickets, clover mites, cheese mites, granary weevils, rice weevils, confused flour beetles, rust red flour beetles, drugstore beetles, meal worms, grain mites, cadelles, and ticks. Labeled for interior / exterior use Labeled for non-commercial use only Caution label

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